SMS Latinoamérica

Our objective is to offer business owners access to top-quality professional advisors

Since 2016, we have formally cooperated with SMS Latinoamérica, which is an association of international accountants, auditors, and tax advisers in Latin America and the Caribbean who share our values and goals.

While the network is entirely independent from Clarkson Hyde Global, our objective is to offer business owners access to top-quality professional advisors and to ensure a warm and friendly welcome when they conduct business in the region. We will collaborate seamlessly to help you achieve your business objectives.

If you want to learn more about the wide range of services offered by Clarkson Hyde Global, please browse through the services sub-menu. If you wish to see the specific services offered by a member firm in a particular country, please visit the our members page for more details.

If you are interested in doing business in any country represented by SMS Latinoamérica, please contact Graham Speck at the Clarkson Hyde Global head office in the first instance by calling +44 (0)20 8652 2458 or emailing

Contact Us

We are a world-wide association of accountants, auditors, tax specialists and business advisers, working with small to medium-sized companies all over the world to help them achieve their goals.


If you would like to learn more about our services in specific countries or to enquire about joining our organisation as a member, please contact Claire Berg:

+44 (0) 20 8652 2450

Send us a message