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Covid-19 – Summary of Measures Mauritius

Mauritius financial news

A. Financial Support

(i) Bank of Mauritius Special Relief Programme (Banking)

Special Relief Amount of Rs 5 Billion

The Bank of Mauritius is introducing a Special Relief Amount of Rs 5 billion through commercial banks to meet cash flow and working capital requirements of economic operators which are being directly impacted by COVID-19. This Special Relief Amount will be made available, through commercial banks.

The interest rate is 2.5% per annum and there will be a moratorium of six months on capital and interest repayments, with the loan repayment period being two years.

Reduction of Cash Reserve Ratio

The Cash Reserve Ratio applicable to commercial banks has been reduced from 9% to 8%. It aims at supporting commercial banks to further assist businesses which are being directly impacted by COVID19.

Easing of Banking Guidelines

The Bank of Mauritius has put on hold the Guideline on Credit Impairment Measurement and Income Recognition, which was effective since January 2020. This measure will allow commercial banks to continue supporting enterprises facing cash flow and working capital difficulties in the context of COVID-19.

2020 Savings Bond

The Bank of Mauritius is introducing a 2.5% Two-Year Bank of Mauritius 2020 Savings Bond for an amount of Rs 5 billion from 23rd of March 2020

Key repo rate

The Bank of Mauritius has lowered its key repo rate to 1.85% since 16th April 2020.

Moratoriums on loans granted by commercial banks

The Bank of Mauritius has announced that for Small and Medium Enterprises a moratorium period of 6 months on both capital and interest repayments can be applied for as from 23rd of March 2020.

(ii) Other Financial Support

State Investment Corporation

Equity Participation Scheme

The State Investment Corporation (SIC) Ltd has launched an Equity Participation Scheme to assist enterprises with annual turnover exceeding Rs 250 million to overcome their financial difficulties in the wake of COVID-19.

Investment Support Programme Limited (ISP)

SME Factoring Scheme

Enterprises with annual turnover of up to Rs 50 million will benefit from a reduced interest rate of from 2.5% instead of 3.9% under SME Factoring Scheme.

Leasing Equipment Modernisation Scheme (LEMS I, II, III)

Enterprises with annual turnover ranging between Rs 50 million and Rs 1.5 billion will benefit from a reduced interest rate ranging between 2.5% and 3.35% per annum.

Corporate Guarantees to banks

ISP Ltd will issue corporate guarantee to banks to enable them to grant loans to companies affected by COVID-19, on a case to case basis.

SME Equity Fund Ltd

Equity Financing

The SME Equity Fund Ltd will reduce its minimum return dividend rate requirement on equity /quasiequity financing from 6% to 3% up to 31 December 2020. Thereafter, normal conditions and dividend rate of 6% will be applicable.

Development Bank of Mauritius Ltd

Enterprise Modernisation Scheme (EMS)

Enterprises with annual turnover of up to Rs 10 million will benefit from a reduced interest rate 2.5% instead of 3.5% up to 31st December 2020 and a grant of 15% up to a maximum of Rs 150,000.

Revolving Credit Fund

A Revolving Credit Fund of Rs 200 million has been established at the Development Bank of Mauritius Ltd to help companies with turnover of up to Rs 10 million to ease cash flow difficulties up to Rs 1 million with repayment over 2 years. Interest will not be payable if loan is repaid within 9 months. Otherwise, interest will be at a rate of 6% per annum.

(iii) Additional Support Businesses

Special Foreign Currency (USD) Line of Credit

The Bank of Mauritius is introducing a Special Foreign Currency (USD) Line of Credit targeting operators having foreign currency earnings, including SMEs.

This line of credit shall be for an amount of USD 300 million, to be made available through commercial banks. Funds will be made available to commercial banks at 6-month USD Libor for this facility.

This line of credit will be available from the 24th March 2020 until the 30th June 2020 and repayment will be over a period of 2 years from the effective date of disbursement.

Swap Arrangement to Support Import oriented Businesses

The Bank of Mauritius is introducing a USD/MUR swap arrangement with commercial banks for an initial amount of USD 100 million.

This arrangement will enable commercial banks to support import-oriented businesses, except for the State Trading Corporation which will be dealing directly with the Bank of Mauritius for its foreign currency requirements until further notice.

The swap arrangement will be effective as from the 24thMarch 2020 until the 30thJune 2020.

If you have any questions regarding this or any of the other initiatives offered to those affected by the current disruption, please contact Jemma Ramdane at

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